Environmental Policy
Chelonia Limited recognises the potential impact of its activities on the environment. This policy will be reviewed annually or whenever a relevant issue arises.
We are currently investigating the benefits of using the internationally recognised framework within the ISO 14001 standard with a view to setting up our own environmental management system (EMS) in order to reduce waste, improve resource efficiency and cut waste management costs.
Energy conservation
- Maintain high thermal insulation standards on all heated areas of Chelonia property.
- Set workspace thermostats to a comfortable low level.
- Keep all continuous heating off for as much of the year as possible.
- Purchase electricity from Ecotricity.
- Lighting: use only fluorescent or LED lighting with convenient local switching and aim to minimise its use.
- Minimise packaging and re-use as much incoming packaging material as possible.
- Recycle suitable waste cardboard and paper and other materials where possible.
- Notify suppliers who over-package goods.
- Remove PVC from products by re-design (now complete).
- Respect ROHS regulations.
- Make car journeys serve as many purposes as possible.
- Use trains for long distance travel in the UK when possible.
- Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
- Make a donation annually to a marine environmental conservation body, subject to the company’s financial status.