F-POD Design Aims

The F-POD design is fully integrated from the hardware through to the post-processing to deliver, at low cost:

  • Fast results from fully automated detection processes
  • Very low false positive rates
  • High sensitivity
  • Individual calibration
  • Long running times
  • Extreme robustness
  • Low data volumes

F-POD versions

The same acoustic and electronic components are in each of these housing versions:

• 'LF' - a neat version for use on fishing gear
• 'Standard' - uses 10 alkaline batteries
• 'Lithium Rechargeable' - uses 21700 lithium ion cells
• (all new F-PODs will now have this longer housing)
• 'Deep' - a heavy metal housing for deep deployments

F-POD and social communication

The F-POD + KERNO-F classifier combination has proved remarkably good at unpacking the click rate in social click bursts.
These are emerging as an important part of communication in dolphins and the most important form of social communication in porpoises.

Case Studies

The Vaquita project uses PODs to monitor this extremely threatened species. The results stimulated signficant novel conservation actions.

The SAMBAH project collected 400years of C-POD data from the Baltic Sea and lead to the creation of a conservation zone for the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise.

Windfarm EIAs showed that pile driving can temporarily displace porpoises by 25km. ... and more ...

Species and behaviour

Distinguishing species using their clicks has proved very difficult for all acoustic approaches. F-POD data carries additional information on click train structure, prevalence of different click rates during encounters etc. and this additional information will be of value in distinguishing species and behaviours.

F-PODs give rapid access to huge volumes of behaviourally significant click-rate data, and work is expanding in these areas.


PODs have been the primary source for many papers and several PhDs. This graph comes from Nuuttila et al. studying cetaceans in Wales.

There are many unexplored areas:

Click rate profiles within fast click bursts / Social communication / determination of group size / diel and seasonal patterns / effects of boat sonars on cetaceans / responses to sediment transport noise / inter-species differences etc. etc.

Project Planning

Notes on some of the key questions that arise in planning a project.

The most significant is 'What is the question I am trying to answer with acoustics?'

Often the data collected to do one thing can do more, and provide the relevant data to answer other questions as well.

F-POD specification

The F-POD technology is unique among acoustic loggers, as it is based on high-resolution time-domain signal processing and data selection in real time to give data compression factors of >1000 while retaining very precise key data

All cetaceans with teeth use echo-location. The F-POD detects all of them except the Sperm Whale.

WAV data

For many projects the combination of an F-POD doing selective very fast sampling with a conventional .wav file recorder sampling slowly is ideal: The F-POD gives you the click trains and the .wav recorder gets dolphin whistles etc which are below the F-POD frequency range.

The C-Sound logger - an AudioMoth in a LF-POD housing - will be a possible solution to this.

New developments

Marine Acoustic Release with anti-fouling

An integral acoustic release is in development.

When combined with the new rechargeable lithium battery pack a very low cost and low carbon one-year monitoring will be possible, using lighter deployment vessels, and having a reduced risk of loss of the mooring. This configuration will log alternate minutes.


The acoustic performance of each F-POD is tested in an underground acoustic radial testing tank to give tightly standardised results (and reject any that do not meet the standard).
This means that instruments can be swapped between sites without significan effects on the data obtained.


The buoyancy of the POD makes moorings simpler - it can just float up on a line without extra buoys that may snag lines etc.
It also means that lost PODs will strand on a shoreline sometime and may be recovered.
With the acoustic release a mooring could be simply a weight, a single line and an F-POD


More than 100 have been re-united with their owners via the web address www.phonehome.org.uk engraved deeply into the lid.
A C-POD crossed the North Sea to Norway and arrived still running, and other set off from the German Wadden Sea and reached the White Sea north of Norway.
Most are in good working order when found!


...we have stretched this support to the limit, and are amazed by the capacity and readiness of Nick Tregenza and his team to help us out, to fix bugs and provide new features that made it possible for us to handle the enormous dataset...
Mats Amundin, PhD International coordinator of SAMBAH, Research director at Kolmarden Wildlife Park, Sweden
More than a company, Chelonia has always been a great supporter of our research with the franciscanas, being a valuable partnership for franciscanas conservation. I am proud to be one of the pioneers in the use of C-PODs in Brazil, something that opened many professional doors for me. I can say that I became a great advocate and whenever I can I try to share the potential of this tool with my colleagues in South America. I am sure that the C/F-PODs still have much to contribute to franciscana research and conservation and I continue to expand my work with the certainty that I can count on the Chelonia team to go even further.
Renan Lopes Paitach, PhD, Marine Biologist, Brazil
Cornwall Wildlife Trust utilised C-PODS for several key projects over the past six years, starting with the Seaquest Netsafe project established in 2009 which used acoustic surveys to establish the level of cetacean activity at specific sites around Cornwall and therefore ascertain their relative importance. In addition, between 2010 and 2013 the Trust used the C-POD in county wide trials of pingers in partnership with inshore Cornish fishing sector due to their use being a proven and published method for determining potential incidence of animals getting entangled in the nets. As a result of those projects and thanks to the quality and scientifically robust data produced by the C-POD, Cornwall Wildlife Trust were able to successfully recommend fisheries management strategies best suited to the conservation of cetaceans within the county. In the near future Cornwall Wildlife Trust hopes to use CPODs once again to determine the habitat use of Cornwall's inshore bottlenose dolphins and use this evidence to gain recognition of this isolated population and lobby for its better protection. Staff at the Trust have been able to carry out the above research successfully thanks to not only the user-friendly and practical nature of the C-POD, but also due to the support staff working at Chelonia who were always available to offer invaluable assistance and advice. Thank you!
Abigail Crosby, Marine Conservation Officer, Cornwall Wildlife Trust